Edsard Boelen, 09-april-2014
For a presentation I am giving at the end of the year about
the prototyping platform arduino and the raspberry pi.
some demo projects would be nice.
In the monthly magazine I receive a PIC course is including a morse generator project. I could bould on on that.
So here are 3 morse generators, made on a pic, an arduino and a raspberry pi.
6 years ago, I switched from PIC to AVR as my default microcontroller.
But because a lot of radio amateurs use the pic microcontroller,
I thought I could give the PIC another chance.
For most of my projects, I use the arduino board, it is a low power, low price prototype board.
Then download and install the arduino IDE. The code : Untitled
for the raspberry pi, i didn't use an ide, and I developed on the board itself as it runs debina linux.
I had to download a gpio library, I used wiringpi just compile it and it will be installed
The code is written in vi
compiled with: > gcc morse.c -lwiringPi