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day2: draw schematics

I came to this idea because I installed a genome client on my new computer so it would do something usefull.
The genome client uses the idle clock cicles to generate new proteines and stuff. in easy words, CPU load will always be 100&. The only problem that can occur is overheating....
Most motherboards have got temperature sensors these days. So it is possible to check the CPU temp after 12 hours of full processing load (100%). Well, in windows it was easy, just install the delivered software that came with the motherboard. But in Linux it was a whole diferent story. lm_sensors is the package that handles temperature monitoring. but my motherboard was not supported yet, it was too new.
I had done a lot of searches and tried many things to get it workingh anyway, but it would not help. But, I did know some things about temp sensing and the SMB-bus,(the data-type which the motherboards use). The LM75, the temp monitoring IC which was used on the motherboard,

The "ugly" schematics: